Pie Fail!

We are taking part in a CSA this year for the first time ever. It’s from a local farm just down the street from us (or, as per my new bike computer, approximately 2.6 miles from our house).  Tomorrow we get our third installment of the 10-week program.  Above is week two’s bounty.

It’s exactly what you might expect such a thing to be. Farmer Tom is a warm, friendly man who wears an Australian rancher hat atop his head; he has shaggy-haired staff members that use as few fertilizers and chemicals as possible on his haphazardly planted and overgrown strawberry patches.  Cheery girls staff the farm stand (with the occasional grumpy teen that can barely muster a “hello”).  Old rickety barns and run down vehicles pepper the path to the Pick-Your-Own areas.

We get a nice mixture of fresh picked items that are packed for us in an eco-friendly reusable bag, and each week we are given containers to pick our own fruits and veggies that are in season.  For the last two weeks the PYO items include these:

So far, I’ve turned these into 7 jars of strawberry preserves, which are mutually adored by Ryan and me.  It’s from my favorite canning resource, the Ball Blue Book of Preserving (check out more canning items in the sidebar).  This recipe is from page 40 and is insanely good!  In fact, just about all the recipes I’ve used from this book are pretty darn great.

Since the preserves, I’ve also made two strawberry rhubarb pies.  Tonight’s pie turned into a pie FAIL experience.  See below:

Can you see the drippy, sticky mess that overflowed into the oven and smoked like crazy, driving Ryan to remove the smoke detector from its ceiling perch and curse (gently) my decision to put a soupy over-full pie into the oven?  If you can, you only saw half of it!  What the picture doesn’t show is how this pie dribbled its way all the way to make a big puddle on the floor to make an even stickier mess.  Eesh.

The good news is that the pie, once removed from the oven and cooled, was amazingly delicious (even though I had to do some juice-ladling to save it from a soggy future).

The even better news is that we’re getting one more week of PYO strawberries.  I’m not sure I’ll want to make a third strawberry rhubarb pie, so I’m eager to hear your favorite strawberry recipes.  What’re you making these days, or, what would you do with multiple quarts of strawberries?

Posted by robyn on June 28th, 2009 under cooking, random

5 Responses to “Pie Fail!”

  1. Cara Says:

    When strawberries are in season (a little earlier here), I clean and hull the extras to freeze in single portion sizes. I do the same with peaches and such when they are in season. I then use those portions all year long in my morning yogurt drink.

    Caras last blog post..How did she do?

  2. Lisa Clarke Says:

    I made a strawberry-rhubarb crisp that was so runny and goopy, too. I think it’s the rhubarb.

    I like to freeze strawberries to use in smoothies. I guess they’re not technically “smoothies” since there are no dairy products involved. It’s just lemonade and frozen strawberries. Too, too yummy! Recipe on my blog.

    Lisa Clarkes last blog post..Flower Power

  3. Jabba Says:

    One of my favourite ways to eat strawberries is with balsamic vinegar and a little sugar.

    Have you checked out the food blog Everybody Likes Sandwiches? She’s amazing, and she posted a good recipe for strawberry rhubard crumble here:


  4. Dori Says:

    I made strawberry bread pudding last weekend. Egg bread, cinnamon, vanilla, brown sugar, eggs, milk, all mixed in with hulled berries. You could add butter if you want a richer end product. It came out great, but for some reason strawberry-filled baked goods tend to have a blue-ish tinge.

  5. Sally Says:

    Yum! I made an awesome strawberry-blackberry jam with the last of my frozen blackberries. I tossed in a vanilla bean. Holy goodness! It’s one of the most delicious jams I’ve ever made! I also highly recommend jam that has a bit of liquor added, such as Cointreau or Framboise!

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