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Current Favorites
Photos above are: 1. My diary, 2. Echino – Oilcloth, 3. Australian Autumn: Journey Bird Pouch, 4. Purple Dress Side, 5. living room, 6. no cash, no problem, 7. Junko Onishi Bag, 8. Grassy Plain apron, 9. red pile
Flickr is always full of amazing inspiration, and I’m enamored with all of the photos above.
Other things that’ve got me entertained/enticed/energized these days:
- The Moth Podcast. Do you like This American Life? You will love The Moth. Live recorded storytelling without notes by people of all ages and types. Always entertaining.
- Free: The Future of a Radical Price – a great book by Chris Anderson, author of Long Tail. It’s a pop-econ book that talks about how offering things for free is core to the new economy (think Google) and how business models are evolving to absorb this change and generate revenue in other ways. Filled with entertaining examples and relevant ideas. And, it’s free in audio format!
- The first two books in the Steig Larsson trilogy. Total summer reads. Crime/mystery novels with a female computer hacker as a main character. Awesome! The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire are the first two, and the third comes out in October.
- A peanut butter and chocolate chip burrito. No links for this one, but let me paint you a delicious, mouth-watering picture: A tortilla, a big smear of PB, and a sprinkling of semisweet chocolate chips, all rolled expertly into a flat burrito of joy. Now go make one yourself – you will not be disappointed!
- The US Open tennis tournament! I can’t pull myself away, night after night after night. I’m a week and a half in, and I’m dying for it to be over so I can get back to sewing. Eesh. Right now? Nadal / Gonzalez after a rain delay, until probably way past my bed time.
What can’t you get enough of these days?
Posted by robyn on September 10th, 2009 under crafts
September 10th, 2009 at 7:39 pm
One thing that cracks me up the most about tennis is how the press keeps asking Venus about her knee brace. And every time she’s like “Yeah, I needed some support so I went out and got some support.”
Great pictures! The purple dress reminds me of a dress my buddy Rawbean gave me this summer, I can’t get enough of it – it’s the best dress EVER.
Okay, have to get back to the tennis hotties!
.-= Jabba´s last blog ..Tennis =-.
September 10th, 2009 at 7:48 pm
Venus always comes off as non-plussed, doesn’t she? Just kinda in her own world. Rain delay tonight. Boo!
September 10th, 2009 at 8:22 pm
We love The Moth, too! 🙂
Good stuff!
September 13th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
I’m listening to The Moth and you’re so right! It’s almost better. I can’t get over how good these stories are.
Other things I’m into right now: Animal Collective’s “My Girls”; Trader Joe’s fair trade, shade grown Ethiopian coffee;; Yazoo Hefewizen, hummus and carrots.
September 19th, 2009 at 6:36 am
Prytania, I really like that tumblr page. Things like that make me want to move to the middle of the woods and build an insanely awesome house. And I’m with you on the carrots. I could eat them by the bagful.