Current Favorites

Photos above are:  1. My diary, 2. Echino – Oilcloth, 3. Australian Autumn: Journey Bird Pouch, 4. Purple Dress Side, 5. living room, 6. no cash, no problem, 7. Junko Onishi Bag, 8. Grassy Plain apron, 9. red pile

Flickr is always full of amazing inspiration, and I’m enamored with all of the photos above.

Other things that’ve got me entertained/enticed/energized these days:

What can’t you get enough of these days?

Posted by robyn on September 10th, 2009 under crafts

5 Responses to “Current Favorites”

  1. Jabba Says:

    One thing that cracks me up the most about tennis is how the press keeps asking Venus about her knee brace. And every time she’s like “Yeah, I needed some support so I went out and got some support.”
    Great pictures! The purple dress reminds me of a dress my buddy Rawbean gave me this summer, I can’t get enough of it – it’s the best dress EVER.
    Okay, have to get back to the tennis hotties!
    .-= Jabba´s last blog ..Tennis =-.

  2. robyn Says:

    Venus always comes off as non-plussed, doesn’t she? Just kinda in her own world. Rain delay tonight. Boo!

  3. Jessica Says:

    We love The Moth, too! 🙂
    Good stuff!

  4. Marigoldie Says:

    I’m listening to The Moth and you’re so right! It’s almost better. I can’t get over how good these stories are.

    Other things I’m into right now: Animal Collective’s “My Girls”; Trader Joe’s fair trade, shade grown Ethiopian coffee;; Yazoo Hefewizen, hummus and carrots.

  5. robyn Says:

    Prytania, I really like that tumblr page. Things like that make me want to move to the middle of the woods and build an insanely awesome house. And I’m with you on the carrots. I could eat them by the bagful.

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I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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