Hope Valley!

Well hello there!  It’s been a while since I’ve had much craftiness to share, but I’m now officially on vacation from work for a couple of weeks, and I am crossing my fingers that the desire to hunker back down in the craft room returns with a vengeance.  I’ve just not been feeling it lately for some reason. Anyway, a recent arrival in the mail has prompted me to get back on the quilting bandwagon in the upcoming days.

It’s an entire fat quarter pack of Denyse Schmidt’s Hope Valley line!  I’ve never bought a fat quarter pack of any kind, so this is a first for me.  I am always so unplanned about my fabric purchases, and I often find that by the time I get around to actually buying parts of a fabric line, it’s gone out of stock.  As many of you fabric junkies know, once it’s out, it’s Out.  That is, unless you feel like taking out a second mortgage on your home to give to that eBay seller who has jacked up the price of your favorite line months later.  (I guess that’s like the equivalent of sports ticket scalpers, but instead, it’s fabric scalpers…  Either way, they obviously plan their purchasing much better than I do!)

I think this is what causes the hoarding mentality, and I’ve totally fallen prey.

Anyway, Hope Valley is pretty, isn’t it?  I think there’s some quilting in my future.  The pink/orange colorway is my favorite!  Which is your favorite?

Posted by robyn on December 13th, 2009 under crafts

8 Responses to “Hope Valley!”

  1. Kristine Says:

    I bought my first fat quarter pack w/ Hope Valley, too! Couldn’t resist! I’m using it for gifts (that haven’t been made yet…I’m way behind). After the holidays are done, I’m ordering more of my favorite prints from the line to avoid missing out in the future (this is really so I can justify cutting into my pretty fat quarters without fear haha).
    .-= Kristine´s last blog ..Circles =-.

  2. Krystyn Says:

    It’s all pretty but I love the greens best!! Can’t wait to see what you put together with it.
    .-= Krystyn´s last blog ..book recommendation =-.

  3. robyn Says:

    That’s so funny, Kristine! I guess great minds think alike – that’s exactly my plan (including compensating for the inability to actually cut into and *use* the pretty fabrics!)

  4. robyn Says:

    Krystyn, I’ll be sure to show any creations here that come of the fabrics! I feel some quilting coming on!

  5. Jabba Says:

    Oh man, I love all of those fabrics…my stash is also growing to be too big. Small objects are starting to orbit around it!

    I find myself drifting in and out of craftiness moods too. It’s strange isn’t it, when we’re crafting we can’t imagine not wanting to do it but then there are times I look at the sewing machine and cringe.
    .-= Jabba´s last blog ..Bad Room Mate #16 =-.

  6. Kate Says:

    I’ve just bought the Hope Valley range too and can’t wait for it to arrive. Thanks also for the Bernina walking foot and motion sensor tutorials. I have the same Bernina and accessories and have found these feet so easy to use thanks to your guides. They are sooo much better than the ones supplied by Bernina!

  7. Dog Named Banjo » Banjo Snowmeter Says:

    […] Perfect day to build a fire in the wood stove, hole up in the craft room, and try my hand at the Oh Fransson! Map of the States block tutorial with my new Hope Valley fabric. […]

  8. Dog Named Banjo » Quilt in Progress (or, Ode to Freezer Paper) Says:

    […] mustered up the courage to cut into my new fat quarter pack!  In fact, I’ve managed to leave myself mostly with scraps left over, after working hard to […]

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Handmade High Tech

I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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