
I’m all packed for RAGBRAI!  This is all my stuff, packed into plastic bags. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading about this ride is that water is your Mortal Enemy and plastic shall defeat all evil.  In case you were wondering, I prefer Ziploc (double zip! big writing area!) to Hefty (snap system that breaks.  A lot.)  My greatest packing victory so far?  I’m just bringing ONE pair of pants!

I’m going to try to blog my trip and upload a pic or two here and there from my iPhone while on the road.  Not sure how well that will work.   Either way, tomorrow starts my drive west!  Iowa, watch out.  I’m coming with my army of plastic soldiers.

Posted by robyn on July 20th, 2010 under random

One Response to “Packed!”

  1. Jabba Says:

    One pair of pants?! Holy crap!!
    Have a great time, looking forward to sketchy posts with Iphone pics!
    .-= Jabba´s last blog ..Seattle =-.

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Handmade High Tech

I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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