Day 2 – Driving! (!)

Hi from Iowa! It was a lovely day of driving today that included:

Some good podcast listening. Podcasts: This American Life (Ira Glass’s voice is like a warm blanket on a cold day), The Nerdist, The Moth.

A new audiobook – White Teeth by Zadie Smith(?)

A fun lunch stop in South Bend, Indiana. Home of Notre Dame and the Fightin’ Irish, all of whom seem to be Vacationin’ Irish, since the town was pretty dead. See picture above to see entertainment options.

Some singing along to Indigo Girls (an old favorite car activity of mine).

Aaand that’s about it.

The best part was watching the landscape change underneath me to reveal the beautiful Iowa countryside, with farms that stretch out forever and ever, and it’s lush green as far as you can see. It’s been a long time since I’d been here and I’m as smitten with it as I was the first time I came!

If driving through the countryside got me that excited, I have no doubt that biking through will be really special. I can’t wait!

I hope to have better pictures to share with you from the ride. I know everyone raves about the iPhone camera, but I just don’t see it I miss my normal one!

Posted by robyn on July 22nd, 2010 under Uncategorized

One Response to “Day 2 – Driving! (!)”

  1. Lauren Says:

    I have the same old favorite car activity…wish i could sing with you!

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I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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