
So, yesterday I was visiting my friend S., who is recovering from a painful and serious back surgery, and as we and another friend S. were lounging on her living room / bed / huge flatscreen TV setup, complete with two adorable doggies that cuddle up on said bed-couch arrangement, I learned 2 new things. First, I learned that I want a big bed in my living room. There is no doubt, a big queen-sized bed is much, much more awesome than any couch and chairs could ever be.

Second, she warmed my heart with some weather news. A warm spell may have melted enough snow so that you can finally see the grass the dirt in our backyard, but never fear, we are due for a large and perfectly timed snowstorm that is likely to screw up any serious chances of getting to and from work today.

This morning, sure enough, 4 inches of powdery work-deterring goodness covered our flowerbeds frightfully dead mums still in their autumn pots and my place of employment announced the most exciting winter morning words:

Monday, January 14, 2008: We will be closed due to inclement weather.


Sorry, sad mums
So today will be more sewing, probably, and also I’ll post later to show you what I’ve been up to with these delightful grey and green fabrics:

Grey & Green Fabrics

Posted by robyn on January 14th, 2008 under crafts, random

2 Responses to “Inclement”

  1. Dog Named Banjo » A Good Day’s Work Says:

    […] there is no greater joy on the night before you know you have to go back to work (the day after a snow day that extended a weekend, no less), that you can crawl out of bed a little later than normal, stumble into your office in […]

  2. Kim Says:

    Aw, snow days! This post gave me a cocoa craving.
    And the bags are gorgeous.

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Handmade High Tech

I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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