Sneak Peek & Twitter

Here’s a small sneak peek of what I’m making these days with my new Amy Butler fabric.  Can’t wait until it’s done.  It almost is, but I’m on the lookout for 4 perfect buttons to finish it off.  One search tonight yielded nothing;  the store I visited had several buttons of the perfect variety,  but I need 4 and they would only have 3 or 2 of them in stock.  Frustrating!  Just to pique your interest even more, Ryan says “I just don’t *get* this bag.”  Hmm.  Hopefully you will!

Anyone use Twitter?  I just started.  My username is dognamedbanjo.  I’ve had a username for ages, but never actually tweeted until yesterday, thanks to Matt (Hi Matt!).  If you feel like following my every move (because what could be more exciting?) feel free to follow me.  It’ll be fun!  And I’ll follow you! And then we’ll be Twitter pals in a way that people on the Internet can be!

Posted by robyn on July 16th, 2008 under crafts, sewing

7 Responses to “Sneak Peek & Twitter”

  1. Kristine Says:

    I’m so jealous…I haven’t had time to sew! The bag sounds exciting though!

    Kristines last blog post..Moving is exhausting!

  2. Anne Says:

    I love that fabric! You are quite creative with photography, btw!

  3. robyn Says:


    Yeah, but you get to buy stuff for your apartment. Isn’t that just as fun sometimes?? Hope the settling in is going well!

  4. robyn Says:


    Thanks, Anne! I also adore the fabric. I bought a fair amount, so I don’t feel so bad cutting into it 🙂

  5. Matt Says:

    I no longer feel so alone in the twitterverse. 🙂 Be careful it gets addictive.

  6. Dog Named Banjo » Buttons! Says:

    […] are the buttons I bought yesterday at Windsor Button for my bag that’s almost finished.  They are not the wooden buttons of my dreams, but they are a reasonable substitute, I […]

  7. Dog Named Banjo » Lucky Strike - A Shoulder Bag Adventure Says:

    […] I’m not sure why I chose this title.  I feel like maybe the new bag and the typewriter went on an adventure together (to a bowling alley!) and are posing for a photo after it was all said and done.  But really, the typewriter is too much of a lug to go anywhere, and I haven’t let the bag out of my sight since it’s been finished.  So, here it is – the bag with the buttons! […]

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Handmade High Tech

I'm Robyn. Thanks for stopping by! This is my craft blog.

Contact me at robyn [at] dognamedbanjo [dot] com.

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